For enhancing our vision, we need to undergo an eye-examination test after regular intervals. The eye exam process is indeed complex and involves several steps. We should resort to eye care hubs in the business for several years for having difficulty. Always remember that professionalism is the key when it comes to choosing a service. Reputed eye clinics deliver quality services and accurate results under all circumstances.
Eye Exam Process
An Eye exam in Grande Prairie involves eight steps as listed below:
1. Filling a health history form
2. Assessment of your health history records and pre-exam consultation
3. Glaucoma test
4. Perimetry test
5. Cover test
6. Refraction test
7. Binocular slit-lamp examination
8. Dilation procedure
However, most eye care clinics skip the tests in between. Only the professional ones are focused in their approach. If the eye exam process is not performed according to the above hierarchical order, it will not yield accurate results.
Importance of eye examination
We often forget the scheduled dates of our eye examination. The reasons for this are apparent. If we don’t feel our vision problem, we never think of going to an eye specialist. According to a recent study, myopia is becoming an epidemic, especially among children. Conducting an eye exam after regular intervals will reduce this aspect. The sneakiest of all eye diseases, glaucoma, is a significant concern for persons above 60 years. If not detected at the earliest, it can lead to permanent vision loss.
Professionals who conduct an eye exam in Grande Prairie AB address the needs of patients precisely. Sit for an eye checkup every eight months to ensure a clear vision.
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